Monday, March 29, 2010

CEC sponsors "Macro4Micro" - latest blog update


Since our team has made tremendous progress in the last month, I'd like to give you an update on the Macro for Micro campaign.

To date, we're on Day 22 of cycling, we've covered over 1,500km so far, and have surpassed $20,000 in fundraising! We've had some very inspiring events at special events and universities across Australia, and have spent some quality time sharing with attendees our message, and the partners that have contributed to our success.

Our partnership has been incredibly rewarding. The camping equipment has been crucial to each night's sleep. We've spent the first couple weeks getting familiar with the set-up and take down of the tents. We've got it down to an art now! Our sleeping bags have been fantastic as well. The built-in inflatable mattresses are fantastic considering the vast range of terrains we've slept on.

We've injected CEC in our social media, website and photography as a means of sharing its frequent use. I hope you've had a chance to see its exciting presence!

Where we've had the most positive feedback is in camper parks where people have inquired about our equipment and our experiences with it! We have a lot of product feedback for you if you are ever considering product improvements in the future. With that said, we've been very happy with its performance.

We are geared up to continue promoting the use of the equipment in the coming months as we continue across Australia. Please let me know if we are not fulfilling expectations in any way or if there are any ideas you have for highlighting the gear's use.

Really looking forward to hearing from you!


Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra

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