| Updates from the Week!
The finish line has been crossed - our cycling has reached its end!
What an epic journey. Throughout the last 78 days, we have cycled over 5,500km, campaigned at countless universities, high schools and special events, while raising well over $30,000 (final tally is being added up through our latest fundraising event)! The power of what we have all been a part of is compelling. Together, we have provided the tools and resources for over 150 businesses to be started. We have given a new life to well over 750 people that otherwise would be forever trapped in the vicious poverty cycle. Gives us chills just thinking about it.
We did this with YOUR help. It was people like you that encouraged us during our many challenges along the way (the Nullarbor desert comes to mind...). It was people like you that praised us at the many milestones we hit, giving us the continued motivation to seek the next one in our horizon. It was people like you that believed in our cause so much, that you sacrificed a coffee or even a night out to support this cause with a donation. It would have been impossible to achieve our goals without your support - and for that, we share the many accomplishments of this campaign with you all.
Thank you for standing beside us and for taking up arms in this global war against poverty.
Our goals were tri-fold and simple:
1) Change at least one life.
2) Show people the power of microfinance.
3) Cycle across a continent.
We hope that our dedication to this cause and reaching these goals has inspired you to investigate microfinance and learn about its strength as a SOLUTION to poverty. We look forward to return to our lives in Canada and continue making a difference in small ways.
Finally - we'd love to hear from you and get your feedback on our work. We have been so humbled by the comments people have made and we are compiling them as a lessons learned for any future projects we take on.
Yours in social change,
Geoff, Isabella, Stu and Vivian
Special ThanksWe are incredibly grateful to our many partners that supported our vision. As most of you should know, the four of us personally financed this campaign so that 100% of the donations made could go directly to the clients in need. It was our corporate partners that ensured that we could afford to take on this challenge and create an engaging experience.
BlackBerry & Telstra: So grateful to have each had the use of a BlackBerry Bold smartphone for the duration of this journey. Not only did we find Perth and each city along the way with the built-in GPS, but we were able to stay in touch with friends and family, keep our social media sites updated and organize the logistics of such an extensive campaign.
Gloria Jean's Coffees: We owe so much to Gloria Jean's for their continued support. They hosted us in their stores along the journey for coffee, snacks and conversation with their customers. We raised so much money by sharing our message during our visits and became addicted to the Tim Tam Chiller in the mean time. Gloria Jean's donated $1,000 to Macro for Micro's fundraising efforts and we are so appreciative.
lululemon athletica: Our clothing sponsors did so much more than just provide us with the perfect wear for a journey of this kind... they hosted numerous events across the country where we had the opportunity to fundraise and spread the message of microfinance. lululemon took us in as family and helped us build life-long bonds!
Traveller's Autobarn: Where to even start... the campervan that we were given in Sydney has been our home for three months. We have found refuge in it from dramatic rain storms, sheltered ourselves from the cold, transported our boxes of marketing material and food/water and spent countless evenings entertaining ourselves with its ingenious design. So much more than a support vehicle - it was critical to our well-being, safety and survival.
Camping Equipment Company: A comfortable sleep each night is something we needed guaranteed regardless of the environment we were cycling through, and with the inflatable mattresses, sleeping bags and other equipment we were ensured just that (save the nights that mice had infiltrated our van!).
Vivente: The fact that we reached Perth with little more than a few flats along the way tells you more than enough about Vivente. Their support has been a blessing to our campaign.
Fluid Media: This is a big one. This entire campaign was based around our website and social media networks. Fluid Media's undeniable expertise in the field of managing those services translated to a successful campaign - and one that we would not have been able to affordably obtain elsewhere. Anyone that has visited our website will agree that its intiuitive, comprehensive and catchy features make the site a perfect portal for communication.
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To Help Us End Poverty
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